596 McKay St, Kingston, ON. Canada

R&D Process
From Molten Metal to Finished Product...
KM&M has unique capabilities that enable it to design and simulate a process to make aluminum based products. We have gathered equipment that is capable of casting specialty aluminum alloys from 1kg up to several tonnes. When combined with in-house thermo-mechanical processing, we are able to transform this into a finished product.
KM&M can help you with the simplest specialty alloy production all the way to a full product development program.
Examples of our R&D projects include:
Small lot production of unique alloys.
DC casting of billet and ingot. Ranging from single billet casts to small volume supply.
High purity-based alloy production for specialty applications.
Clad products for automotive thermal management, climate control, or aerospace applications.
Strip cast pilot-scale production of aluminum sheet and foil products – using the unique solidification characteristics of a twin roll cast product.
Simulation of commercial manufacturing processes such as hot/cold rolling, annealing, etc.
Full analytical capabilities to confirm composition and microstructure meet requirements.