596 McKay St, Kingston, ON. Canada
"After polishing and chemically etching samples, metallography allows us to view the interior structure of a metal. This provides valuable information about how the material responded to processing and gives indications as to what its performance will be in service. "
Our highly experienced metallographers have the years of experience necessary to provide high-quality results, reliable interpretation, and publication-worthy images. When you work with KM&M, you can quickly get information with our onsite equipment. This includes:
Optical Microscopes
Metallography can estimate the frequency, type, and severity of defects, assisting you in tracking manufacturing problems back to their source.
It can provide grain sizes, giving information as to the heat-treatment status and mechanical properties and help you optimize your heat treatment times to maximize production.
It can provide the extent and severity of macrosegregation, which is useful when determining what depth need to be scalped from a billet or ingot.
Our metallographers can cover a wide range of materials and preparation methods. If it’s not a biohazard, we can prepare it! Examples of work previously done include the following:
Recyrstallization/heat treatment studies in rolled aluminum sheet
Defect categorization in cast aluminum products.
Coating thickness in ferrous samples
Depth of alpha case hardening in Ti 6Al 4V
Weld depth and profile measurements in Nickel
Friction stir weld inspection in Magnesium